Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hari senin kemarin istri saya sudah mulai masuk kerja setelah cuti melahirkan. Sebelum masuk kerja die dipesanin sama teman-teman kantornya untuk ngebawa kue. Mendengar hal ini langsung timbul ide, dari pada beli kue lebih baik kita bawain brownies hasil buatan sendiri, hitung2 sekalian promosi. Jadilah minggu malam dengan semangat menggebu2...hehehe saya ngebantuin mengaduk adonan (yang bikin adonan tetap istri saya), ternyata cukup membutuhkan tenaga juga soalnya adonannya semakin lama semakin berat karena mengembang, tapi it's okay lah demi promosi besok pagi. Besoknya saya nelp. istri saya n nanyain, ada yang mesan gak? trus dia bilang sudah ada sih beberapa orang tp baru sekedar ngomong tapi realisasinya sewaktu gajian akhir bulan. Saya pikir lumayan lah berarti itu brownies disukai banyak orang (ya iyalah sapa juga yang gak suka kue hehehe). Satu tahap sudah dilewati, gak tau kedepannya gimana, apakah akan diseriusi atau tidak...kita lihat saja.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Nimbrung bikin Brownies

Semalam saya nyoba ngebantu istri bikin brownies kukus, lumyan pegel juga sih sewaktu disuruh ngaduk adonannya, soale adonannya tambah lama tambah ngembang dan tambah berat, ternyata ngebikinnya gak seenak memakannya hehehe. Lumayan pegal juga sih bikin dua adonan, udah gitu pada belepotan semua hehehe, tp setelah hasilnya jadi senang juga karena ada sumbangsih saya disana hehehe.... Kalau dilihat dari proses awal serta bahan2nya ternyta bikin brownies itu gak sesuah yang kita kira, untuk resepnya gak terlalu susah nyari, bagi yang blum pernah bikin coba bikin sendiri......

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Oke let's continue about brownies, firt time i know about this cake arround 2002 when i was in bandung for company journey, and my impression when i taste this cake little bit weird, and i was very supprised most the people like this cake especially woman, and after many times i try this cake i think i am gonna like it hehehe.

2007 my wife bought a book about brownies, and i just think that it's gonna be like many times before i mean read only no action hehehe, but i was really surprised when i came home i found a cake with brown color in a plate. I took one piece and it is delicious then i ask my wife, what kind of cake is this, and she said this is brownies. Wow my wife make a brownies.... it's one big step for her...hehehe, and you know the taste is more delicious then i've ever eat.

Last week, she made a new brownies, off course the color still brown hehehe, but the type is different, like a roll cake (bolu gulung) and with strawbery jelly..hmm yummy. You know what i am thinking is i think this is an oppurtunity to make a brownies business, and as far as i know everybody like cookies especially delicious cookies...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Everyone must know with this word "Brownies", Yup brownies is a cake with abrown color and sweet taste. so that we call Brown-ies (in Indonesia - Coklat yang manies) hehehe. But how if that cake has other color, like green, should we still call brownies? i don't think so, i think we have to give a new name, maybe greenies or in Indonesia we called Ijo-nies hehehe.
Beside for cake, brownies has been used for the title of Indonesia Film "Brownies", maybe the reason behind that Name is some of their actor/actrees has brown skin and so cute, but i do not know exactly so that why i used "Maybe"... To be Continued